+359 898 664 100

Corporate clients

Special offer for accommodation of business clients and corporate companies in Varna. The offer is applicable to each company, without limitation on the number of nights per month. The use of the online booking service with bonus code for companies is not subject to a contract.

How to book quickly and easily?

Copy the COMPANY code and paste it into the Bonus Code field.

After you click the Book button, the online booking system will offer you the rates that apply to our corporate customers.

Copy the code below and paste it into the Bonus Code field


Аристократичен стил | Бароков интериор | 100 години история

Попълнете вашите данни и ние ще се свържем с вас

Причина за контакт с нас:

Aristocratic style | Baroque interior | 100 years of history

Fill in your details and we'll get back to you

Reason for contacting us:

Book directly with us

* The service must be claimed at the time of booking