+359 898 664 100


Standard Room

What is the purpose of this blog?

In this blog, we will try to introduce you to all the interesting things that are happening around the Grand Hotel London, in the Varna region, and the Black Coast in general. We give you tips for the hotels to choose from for your trip. We will ask your surveys to know what you are looking for and what is most important to you when choosing a hotel.

Who is this blog for?

This blog was created for all guests who visit Grand Hotel London, other hotels in Varna, or just want to travel. Contact us if you have tips for our blog, ideas, or want to know more.

Аристократичен стил | Бароков интериор | 100 години история

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Причина за контакт с нас:

Aristocratic style | Baroque interior | 100 years of history

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Reason for contacting us:

Book directly with us

* The service must be claimed at the time of booking